45 minutes mins
Fluffy, fragrant, flavourful, healthy and nutritious Chinese-style yam rice makes the perfect one-dish meal and is a delicious staple to accompany your favourite mains...
12 minutes mins
Stir-fried pea shoots with garlic is a super easy and quick dish to cook! Their sweet and nutty flavour pair beautifully with garlic and...
1 hour hr 25 minutes mins
A moist and tender lemon butter cake that’s refreshingly tangy with the citrus notes and flavours of lemon juices and grated lemon zest. This...
1 hour hr
Easy recipe for rich and creamy homemade Hainanese kaya (coconut jam)! You only need the base ingredients of a custard – sugar, eggs, and...
1 hour hr 50 minutes mins
This pandan raisin bread is made just a little more special, sprinkled with a sweet buttery crumble topping, with a soft and moist crumb....
45 minutes mins
A chocolate vanilla marble cake that always turns out! This recipe is super easy, simple and time-tested. You’ll love how soft, tender, and moist...